[A variation on, yet in the tune of, the children’s song/camp favorite, “B-I-N-G-O”; can be sung as BULLY Girl]
{In this version, the four (or five lines) of each stanza are sung with the same melody as in the original; specifically, the last two lines of each stanza have the same melody as the first two lines. The same rules apply to the B-U-L-L-Y chorus as in the B-I-N-G-O chorus.}
In my school there is a kid
And Bully Boy’s his name, oh
He blames me for what he did
And tries to make me cry, oh…
B-U-L-L-Y… B-U-L-L-Y… B-U-L-L-Y…
And Bully Boy’s his name, sigh.
Chasing me after school
Bullying’s his game, oh
Calling me a “little fool”
My oh my oh why, oh?
B-U-L-L-Y… B-U-L-L-Y… B-U-L-L-Y…
And Bully Boy’s his name, sigh.
Why does he pick on me?
The Boy should be ashamed, oh
Is he green with jealousy?
Or just a red bull guy, oh…
B-U-L-L-Y… B-U-L-L-Y… B-U-L-L-Y…
And Bully Boy’s his name, sigh.
I must learn to take a stand
And nurture my heart’s flame, oh
Not give in to his demands
And look him in the eye, oh…
B-U-L-L-Y… B-U-L-L-Y… B-U-L-L-Y…
And Bully Boy’s his name, sigh
I will find one trustworthy
To talk out all my pain, oh
Then stand tall as an oak tree
Or walk away, nothing to say
But with my head up high, oh…
B-U-L-L-Y… B-U-L-L-Y… B-U-L-L-Y…
And Bully Boy’s his name, sigh
Now I see a scared boy like me
Who hides his pain and shame, oh
If he wants to talk to me
I’ll share how I wrestled free
But he must want to try, oh…
B-U-L-L-Y… B-U-L-L-Y… B-U-L-L-Y…
I won’t play his bully game, oh
B-R-A-V-O… B-R-A-V-O… B-R-A-V-O…
I stood up for my own name, OH!
© Mark Gorkin 2014
Shrink Rap ™ Productions
Natural SPEED Rap for Kids – Part I
is overload edgy
is big boss upsetSis is boyfriend angry
And you’re in a sweat!
The in-crowd at school
Shoves you to the side
While they pass by so cool
You wish you could hide…
Panic and terror
Like lightning and thunderWhere is a big rock
For me to crawl under?
But charging down the hall
Like a mad bull in heat
As you feel so small
Resigned to defeat…
The schoolyard bully
Laughing at your fear
Taking your lunch money
Leaving you in despair!
Panic and terror
Like thunder and lightningWhy do I find
So many things frightening?
And why, oh why
Isn’t a teacher around?
To hear your silent cry
Or the bull’s snorting sound!
When life seems hopeless
With nowhere to turn
There’s help for your stress
Sit back…listen and learn.
Panic and terror
Like lightning and thunderIs it much sound and fury?
I’m starting to wonder.
Let Me Be Brief: Key Pillars of Relief
First, be wary of “friends”
Who act like big shot stars
They use you for their ends
And ignore who you are.
But the biggest mistake
Is to bottle up fear
From this you will break, so…
Find a trustworthy ear.
She’s older and wiser
Shows you how to hold them
He’s artful in poker
So knows when to fold em.
Reframe panic and terror
As more trial and errorEmbrace flaw and failure
Expand human nature!
Now speak calmly, move swiftly
The Poet-Ninja Way:
Eye the bully coolly
Like a fox, no delay.
Breathe out anxiety
Smartly walk away.
Reflect in a diary…and live
To right (and write) another day!
Reframe panic and terror
As more error and trialGrow from flaw and failure
You’ve walked the toughest mile!
Actions and Reactions: Logical and Psychological
To disarm this cruelty
Find a strong allied voice.
Talk with the Bull family
But, if left no other choice…
March with authority
To the principal’s office.
Rid your back of the monkey
You are through playing nice!
You are not a snitch
Nor squealer or tattler
Less disloyal witch
More real gutsy battler!
Rename terror and panic
Rethink flaw and failure
You’re just a bit “manic.”
Don’t let labels nail ya!
We all have fantasies:
“Go ahead…make my day!”
Alas, the “real” enemies
Are oft hidden away…
Inside one’s caged mind
To be gently torn apart
As you explore humankind
Through the beat of a heart!
To view panic and terror
As neither error nor trialReceive flaw and failure
With a sly Buddha smile!
Natural SPEED: Stress Resiliency
When the crisis is past
And you no longer bleed
For strength that will last
Try the Doc’s Natural SPEED!
© Mark Gorkin 2014
Shrink Rap ™ Productions
Natural SPEED: Stress Resiliency Shrink Rap ™ –
Safe Stress Survival Strategies
Are you the “poster child” for stress and duress?
Should you try Prozac? Is it time to confess
To Ebay shopping – which may be a warning
When you're clicking madly at three in the morning?
But relax, have no fear...
The Stress Doc is here. So lay worries to rest…
Now listen and learn to Practice Safe Stress!
As you sprint to the wire with blood pressure higher
Timeless mind-body tips to heed
For slowing down, getting feet on the ground
And building Natural SPEED – Sleep-Priority-Passion-Empathy-Exercise-Diet.
Now don't be cheap with your need for “Sleep.”
Maximum learning must be REM deep
To be a beauty with mental acuity
Not that snooze-button bashing BLEEP!
For when it comes to daily slumber
All night gaming is dumb and dumber.
You may call me a grouchy old toad:
“Pull the d_ _n plug on ‘just one more’ download.”
Chorus: Ready to confess – join the flock
Who you gonna get – the Stress Doc!
"P" stands for "Priority"
You can't do it all every day.
Urgent means now but important can wait.
Do you know how to "N & N"? –
Just say "No and Negotiate!"
Now I hope you’ll pardon my asking:
“Must you always be multi-tasking?”
Oh, it’s just me, honey, your Energizer Bunny.
Running from quiet, your life is a riot.
Hmm…what is that “ADD” masking?
Chorus: Is your life a mess? – you need a rock
Who you gonna get – the Stress Doc!
Another “P”-word is “Passion”
And we’re not talking sex, shoes, or fashion.
Don’t try to impress, better…
Learn to play chess
Or dig, dream, and dance in your garden.
"E" is for the "Empathy"
Found in a caring shoulder.
But all give without take is a big mistake
For now you shoulder a boulder.
Find a stress buddy who knows TLC
Someone honest and self-aware –
One who gives “Tender Loving Criticism”
Yet also takes “Tough Loving Care!”
Chorus: Doing more with less – better take stock
Who you gonna get – the Stress Doc!
The second "E" is for "Exercise"
Start pumping iron or those thighs.
You may not need SSRIs.
Try thirty minutes of non-stop spin
For your mood uplifting endorphin.
Being fit physically
Goes beyond stress resiliency.
Try this new math for a more vital path:
Pumped up brain agility
Times emotive tranquility
Now equals mind-body integrity!
And, finally, "D" is for a healthy "Diet"
Alas, many would rather die than try it.
To manage foods so often craved
Grieve, "let go," and then be brave
Sending diet fads to an early grave.
So eat those fruits and veggies
Try omega fish and bean protein.
Too much fats, salt, and sugar
Overdosing alcohol and caffeine
Is a rollercoaster formula
For a brain-fogged and artery-clogged machine.
Chorus: When it comes to stress – you’re on the clock
Who you gonna get – the Stress Doc!
It's time to end this Shrink Rap
With final tips for you –
"A firm 'No' a day keeps the ulcers away, and the hostilities too."
So to lessen daily woes, "Do know your limits; don't limit your 'No's!
Ponder this Stress Doc wit and wisdom
Try to live it day after day:
Burnout is not a sign of failure
You simply gave yourself away.
Remember, sometimes less is more
And more is really less.
Balance work and play, faith and love
And, of course...Practice Safe Stress!
Chorus: When it comes to stress – it’s a lock
Who you gonna get – the Stress Doc!
When it comes to stress – it’s a lock
Who you gonna get – the Stress Doc!
© Mark Gorkin 2014
Shrink Rap ™ Productions