
Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Creative Evolution -- From Resiliency Rap to Rant: A Generational-Digital Diatribe and a Mentor-Gentor Manifesto -- Part l

There’s a thought-provoking series of events behind the recent modification and expansion of “From Resiliency Rap to Resiliency Rant” and “A ‘Mentor-Gentor’ Manifesto for Bridging the Generational-Digital Divide.”  And this turn and confluence of happenings sheds light on the creative process, especially the provocative role of outside stimuli, both of the aesthetic and human varieties.

The original poetic essay was titled “A Generational-Digital Diatribe:  Still, Don’t Be Afraid to Pet the Dinosaur.”  The first creative bump in the road arose when I realized a 60+ year old brain was balking at memorizing all those words for a video shoot.  Fortunately, my video guy agreed and a shorter, more rant than rap version became the goal.  This direction was echoed by a colleague and partner of a future “Bridging High Tech and Human Touch” (HT2) Workshop after receiving strong feedback for my 2.5 minute videos. 

(Here are the links:
3 Steps to Overcome Procrastination Video --
Shrink Rap Video Link:

Around this time I also caught a Van Gogh exhibit in Washington, DC at the small and intimate Phillips Museum.  A recent major snowstorm had thinned the crowds, allowing me to get “up close and personal” with the masterworks.  The show was called “Repetitions”.  This was the artist’s term for the differences now captured on a studio canvas when, for example, Van Gogh reimagined and reimaged a painting originally executed outdoors.   Hey, if Vincent could dip into his own working wellspring and not be derivative…the Doc had a pass to re-(w)rap.  The piece below, isn’t quite Resiliency Rap-lite, but it is a bit more pithy and punchy.

A final voice contributed to the “Rap to Rant to Manifesto” expansion of the poetic essay.  A friend and colleague, Teresa, after reading my latest “rant” version, gave a complex review:  she very much liked the lyric but had wanted the piece to end on a “more positive”, more hopeful note.  In addition, having previously consulted with this savvy grant writing consultant, Teresa was familiar with my “Mentoring-Gentoring” concept.  She thought a link with my generation-bridging concept was in order.  Initially, I was a bit hard-headed, explaining that the videographer and I wanted the Stress Doc, like Martin Luther, to list our protestations of a present day Golden Calf:  the blind, obsessive, and/or impulsive worship of a digital-social media society.  However as it turned out, my thick skull proved pliable:  that night, at 4am, I saw and worked out the “pass in the impasse”:  It’s a Rap:  A “Mentor-Gentor” Manifesto for Bridging the Generational-Digital Divide(It appears in Part II.)

And an additional piece of lagniappe:  During my early morning, somewhat manic musings, I discovered my inner Robert Zimmerman.  Of course, it doesn’t hurt that I’m currently reading a fascinating biography:  Once Upon a Time:  The Lives of Bob Dylan, by Ian Bell and have been playing my Dylan CDs.  Read and listen for the “Dylanesque” touches in  Part II, especially the closing segment.

So enjoy the first part of this creative evolution.  To good adventures,


Generational-Digital Diatribe:  Part -- l
Still, Don’t Be Afraid to Pet the Dinosaur

The digital world is moving too fast.
You think it’s funny…we’ll see who laughs last.
Beware…despite all the battles and scars
Us dinosaurs lived for millions of years.
Remember, the past ain’t over…it’s not even past!
So says acclaimed author, one William Faulkner.

We’re all caught up in a TNT World –
Excited by Time-Numbers-Technology
Doesn’t take a degree in psychology…
To see many spinning out of control
Madly juggling work-life and family goals.
So little time for sleeping in bed when
Trapped in that 3-DDriven-Distracted-Disruptive – World Wide Web!
Where everything happens or is expected RIGHT NOW!

Don’t have a cow…better to confess:
Is it a shame:  when “doing more with less” only means more techno-stress?
Is it a game:   when the media-video scene turns you “lean and MEAN?”
What is the frame:  a time of breakthroughs or more a time for breakdown?
In this Present Shock world…please don’t be blue:
I’ve got some Stress Doc Poetic Shock Therapy for you!

Let’s begin with this Generational Divide
It sure has taken me for a ride.
OK, I’m the tortoise; the Gens are the hare
They’re always racing…but why and to where?
Of course, with a smart phone ever-plugged to their ear.
And those short cut acronyms…geez, what a crock
My poor old English teach…the last I looked, still in anaphylactic shock!
Twitter, apps, Instagrams, come on, what’s next?
It used to be “Safe Sex,” now it’s Practice Safe Text!
Let me ask… When were you born:
Before or after the Net Age dawned?
Why do I care?  It’s red-state/blue-state warfare out there –
“Internet Immigrants vs. Internet Natives,” one tech expert called it.
My label: It’s the battle of the Dinos vs. the Digits
Dinos and Digits, each gives me the fidgets
Digits and Dinos, they both can be whinos! 

Be honest:  it doesn't make you moan
That these Digits won’t talk on the phone?
You want to connect – Text! Text! Text!
When I was growing up, someone “all thumbs” was a clod
Today you’re a whiz kid….that doesn’t seem odd?
Yet you’re also a leper with status that’s brittle
With a smart phone lacking the right apps and whistles.
Here’s the sad truth:  Life can be tough
When you’re smart phone just ain’t quite smart enough!

Now a conflict with a colleague, just two doors or cubes away
Sparking Dirty Harry fantasies…Go ahead, make my day!
Forget about walking down the hall or aisle
Just put on that mask with a toxic smile.
No need for a word; fire away on that "killer" keyboard.
When the “e” in email stands for “escape”
Just blast that e-rocket fueled by sour grapes.
Be honest, when I hear that whistle:
Are you sending an e-mail or launching an e-missile?
Who needs to be civil when you’re invisible?
Technical efficiency trumps dignity and empathy
With “tough guy or tough gal” anonymity!
Turn smoldering anger on a foe or stranger:
You’re livin large on the safe edge of danger.
So “talk thumb trash” and bully; “be happy, don’t worry”…
Having an avatar means never being sorry.
Okay, three hundred emails are screaming
Forget about thinking…your brain is exploding
Out of the box...perhaps it's time for Cyber Detox?
Well at least it’s not PTSD; more PTDS:
Post-Technological Deluge Stress!
Dinos and Digits, there’s got to be limits
Digits and Dinos…the fate of White Rhinos?

Hey, if you’ve grooved with this Shrink Rap ™ chant…
Stay tuned for Part II of Resiliency Rant.
Just so you’ll know…be ready for “The Manifesto.”

©  Mark Gorkin  2014
Shrink Rap ™ Productions
Mark Gorkin, MSW, LICSW, "The Stress Doc" ™, a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, is a national keynote and webinar speaker and "Motivational Humorist & Team Communication Catalyst" known for his interactive, inspiring and FUN programs for both government agencies and major corporations.  A training and Critical Incident/Grief Intervention Consultant for the National EAP/Wellness Company, Business Health Services in Baltimore, MD, the Doc also leads “Stress, Team Building and Humor” programs for various branches of the Armed Services.  Mark, a former Stress and Violence Prevention Consultant for the US Postal Service, is the author of Resiliency Rap, Practice Safe Stress, and of The Four Faces of Anger.  See his award-winning, USA Today Online "HotSite" – called a "workplace resource" by National Public Radio (NPR).  For info on the Doc's "Practice Safe Stress" programs or to receive his free e-newsletter, email or call 301-875-2567.

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