BULLY Boy/Girl
[A variation on, yet in the tune of, the children’s song/camp favorite, “B-I-N-G-O”; can be sung as BULLY Girl]
{In this version, the four (or five lines) of each stanza are sung with the same melody as in the original; specifically, the last two lines of each stanza have the same melody as the first two lines. The same rules apply to the B-U-L-L-Y chorus as in the B-I-N-G-O chorus.}
In my school there is a kid
And Bully Boy’s his name, oh
He blames me for what he did
And tries to make me cry, oh…
B-U-L-L-Y… B-U-L-L-Y… B-U-L-L-Y…
And Bully Boy’s his name, sigh.
Chasing me after school
Bullying’s his game, oh
Calling me a “little fool”
My oh my oh why, oh?
B-U-L-L-Y… B-U-L-L-Y… B-U-L-L-Y…
And Bully Boy’s his name, sigh.
Why does he pick on me?
The Boy should be ashamed, oh
Is he green with jealousy?
Or just a red bull guy, oh…
B-U-L-L-Y… B-U-L-L-Y… B-U-L-L-Y…
And Bully Boy’s his name, sigh.
I must learn to take a stand
And nurture my heart’s flame, oh
Not give in to his demands
And look him in the eye, oh…
B-U-L-L-Y… B-U-L-L-Y… B-U-L-L-Y…
And Bully Boy’s his name, sigh
I will find one trustworthy
To talk out all my pain, oh
Then stand tall as an oak tree
Or walk away, nothing to say
But with my head up high, oh…
B-U-L-L-Y… B-U-L-L-Y… B-U-L-L-Y…
And Bully Boy’s his name, sigh
Now I see a scared boy like me
Who hides his pain and shame, oh
If he wants to talk to me
I’ll share how I wrestled free
But he must want to try, oh…
B-U-L-L-Y… B-U-L-L-Y… B-U-L-L-Y…
I won’t play his bully game, oh
B-R-A-V-O… B-R-A-V-O… B-R-A-V-O…
I stood up for my own name, OH!
© Mark Gorkin 2014
Shrink Rap ™ Productions
The Stress Doc explores a range of family life dynamics in this powerful lyrical piece based on a familiar Civil War tune. This offering has relevance not only for families, and also for the military, educators, social workers, counselors, and a wide array of family-allied health professionals. And while sliding from the joyful to the poignantly painful, the lyric closes on an uplifting note of grace and hope!
Who’s Coming through the Door Again?
[To the tune of “When Johnny Comes Marching Home Again”]Who’s Coming through the Door Again?
When mommy comes walking through the door, hurrah, hurrah
When mommy comes walking through the door, hurrah, hurrah
My mind will dance, my heart will sing
When I hear the doorbell ring
And we’ll all shout “Hurrah” when mommy comes home again!
When daddy comes walking through the door, hurrah, hurrah
When daddy comes walking through the door, hurrah, hurrah
He’ll lift me high, like a bird I’ll fly
“Never put me down,” I’ll cry
And we’ll all shout “Hurrah” when daddy comes home again!
When mommy can’t come home again, boo-hoo, boo-hoo
When mommy can’t come home again, boo-hoo, boo-hoo
Now my shouts turn to self-doubt
As I pout or just lash out
Oh we miss you mommy, please come home again!
When daddy can’t come home again, boo-hoo, boo-hoo
When daddy can’t come home again, boo-hoo, boo-hoo
My heart no longer has a song; my hero’s missing
Something’s so wrong
Oh we miss you daddy, please come home again!
When mommy and daddy fight again, uh oh, uh oh
When mommy and daddy fight again, uh oh, uh oh
When mommy yells and daddy hits
Now my tummy’s having fits
And we all feel bad when mommy and daddy fight!
When mommy and daddy drink again, oh no, oh no
When mommy and daddy drink again, oh no, oh no
“No place like home” more battle zone
And all I want to be is gone
And we’re all sad when mommy and daddy drink!
When mommy and daddy fight and drink, watch out, watch out
When mommy and daddy fight and drink, watch out, watch out
My head against the wall I’ll bang
Help…I don’t want to join a gang
And we’re all mad when family fight and drink!
When angry silence comes marching in, please no, please no
When angry silence comes marching in, please no, please no
A once happy home feels like a tomb
Covered by a shroud of gloom
I can’t even hide in my room
For overhead the sword of doom
We’re all numb when angry silence comes through the door.
Why can’t we be a family again, oh please, oh please?
Why can’t we be a family again, oh please, oh please?
We’ll laugh and sing and even fight
Not might – but help – will make it right
Talking together helps shine a light
And fear will finally sleep tonight
Holding each other warm and tight
And we’ll be a family, ‘Hoorah,” we’ll be a family again!
© Mark Gorkin 2015
Shrink Rap ™ Productions
Natural SPEED Rap for Kids – Part I
Bullying and Building Stress Resilience
Mom is overload edgyDad is big boss upset
Sis is boyfriend angry
And you’re in a sweat!
The in-crowd at school
Shoves you to the side
While they pass by so cool
You wish you could hide…
Panic and terror
Like lightning and thunderWhere is a big rock
For me to crawl under?
But charging down the hall
Like a mad bull in heat
As you feel so small
Resigned to defeat…
The schoolyard bully
Laughing at your fear
Taking your lunch money
Leaving you in despair!
Panic and terror
Like thunder and lightningWhy do I find
So many things frightening?
And why, oh why
Isn’t a teacher around?
To hear your silent cry
Or the bull’s snorting sound!
When life seems hopeless
With nowhere to turn
There’s help for your stress
Sit back…listen and learn.
Panic and terror
Like lightning and thunderIs it much sound and fury?
I’m starting to wonder.
Let Me Be Brief: Key Pillars of Relief
First, be wary of “friends”
Who act like big shot stars
They use you for their ends
And ignore who you are.
But the biggest mistake
Is to bottle up fear
From this you will break, so…
Find a trustworthy ear.
She’s older and wiser
Shows you how to hold them
He’s artful in poker
So knows when to fold em.
Reframe panic and terror
As more trial and errorEmbrace flaw and failure
Expand human nature!
Now speak calmly, move swiftly
The Poet-Ninja Way:
Eye the bully coolly
Like a fox, no delay.
Breathe out anxiety
Smartly walk away.
Reflect in a diary…and live
To right (and write) another day!
Reframe panic and terror
As more error and trialGrow from flaw and failure
You’ve walked the toughest mile!
Actions and Reactions: Logical and Psychological
To disarm this cruelty
Find a strong allied voice.
Talk with the Bull family
But, if left no other choice…
March with authority
To the principal’s office.
Rid your back of the monkey
You are through playing nice!
You are not a snitch
Nor squealer or tattler
Less disloyal witch
More real gutsy battler!
Rename terror and panic
Rethink flaw and failure
You’re just a bit “manic.”
Don’t let labels nail ya!
We all have fantasies:
“Go ahead…make my day!”
Alas, the “real” enemies
Are oft hidden away…
Inside one’s caged mind
To be gently torn apart
As you explore humankind
Through the beat of a heart!
To view panic and terror
As neither error nor trialReceive flaw and failure
With a sly Buddha smile!
Natural SPEED: Stress Resiliency
When the crisis is past
And you no longer bleed
For strength that will last
Try the Doc’s Natural SPEED!
© Mark Gorkin 2014
Shrink Rap ™ Productions
This is a "diversity in unity" poem: each letter of the SPEED acronym has a somewhat different poetic style and structure yet provides a united pathway for stress resiliency and brain agility (for kids of all ages).
Natural SPEED for Kids (of all ages): Part II
Stress Resiliency and Brain Agility through
Are you the “poster child” for stress and duress?
Do you need a lesson on “Practice Safe Text?”
Or is it too late…it’s simply time to confess
To all night gaming – which may be a warning
When you're clicking madly at three in the morning?
But relax, have no fear...
The Stress Doc ™ is here. So lay worries to rest…
Now listen and learn to Practice Safe Stress! ™
As you sprint to the wire with blood pressure higher
Timeless mind-body tips to heed
For slowing down, getting feet on the ground
And building Natural SPEED – Sleep-Priority/Passion-Empathy-Exercise-Diet.
S is for Sleep
Don’t be cheap with your need for sleep
For mind-body rest, sleep must be deep.
Turn off that tablet!!!
Fight “one more text” creep
If you must, go wail and weep
Then settle down…count virtual sheep
Just don’t cheat your need for sleep!
P.S. I may not know your latest gadget
But I know about games under the blanket!
The Human Stain of Caffeine Brain
Have energy drain? Beware caffeine brain
Don’t be a “Coke”-head or “Red Bull” pain
And your sugar highs give me “brain strain.”
Is it ADD or
A craving for the fast lane?
The Energizer Bunny routine
Is getting lame.
I know one of us will go insane…
No more “Purple Heart Burnout Game”!
A Reflection on Meditation
Pull the plug on this crash and burn trap…
Why not short “Meditation” naps:
Close your eyes, hands in your lap.
Now deep breaths
While not a snap, do your daily laps…
Mind chatter clouds drift away ASAP
As inner peace fills your mental map
Pull the plug on that manic trap.
Nap Time: It’s Not a Crime
“Naps are for kids”; don’t buy that crap
Naps bridge the “kids of all ages” gap.
If at your school
The “M”-word causes flap –
“Meditation”…“airy-fairy claptrap”
Simply smile; no need to snap:
I’m getting tired from the same old rap
It must be time for my power nap!
Follow and Flow to Your Rainbow
Some final thoughts you might follow:
A good night’s sleep consolidates info
At times revealing an Aha! “brainbow.”
Give your mind-body time to lay low
Bring on that test…perform like a pro!
Burning both candle ends
Not the way to go…
Explore nightly dreams – your deep secrets show
Uncover a world of light and shadow
Learn to grow with nature’s ebb and flow!
© Mark Gorkin 2015
Shrink Rap ™ Productions
is for Priority
To establish a big “priority”
just follow the majorityTo establish a big “priority”
Ask key questions with authority:
What becomes high priority for you?
What turns you off, what will you work for?
What if it’s missing will leave you so blue?
Who will you battle to even the score?
Who will you ask for “tough love” review?
Who understands that less may be more?
When is it urgent, when to make do?
When to attend, when to ignore?
When does the past spur on the new?
How will you react when you land on the floor?
How will you plan when “there’s nothing to do”?
How will you feel when they show you the door?
Where will you go when you haven’t a clue?
Where is the path you have to explore?
Where lurks the grail you must pursue?
Why would you choose to be artist poor?
Why shake up a familiar world view?
Why set and test limits both after and before?
Why harness pressure till you’re ready to spew?
Why play it safe?…Hey, why not soar!
P is also for Passion
The Uncommon Paradox of Passion: A Preamble
When you read or hear the word “passion”
Are you thinking sex, shoes, or fashion? ;-)
Or does passion itself raise serious doubt
Hmm…are we now talking early stage burnout?
Perhaps I’m being just a tad playful, still…
Some believe passion borderline sinful.
Naturally, there’s that three letter “s”-word
Ponder another, perhaps not so absurd…
The “s”-sense of passion is “suffering.”
A brooding, artistic, hot lava wellspring
Erupting in quest of that symbolic ring.
Or the torment of Jesus or of a martyr –
(Who knew…the image of passion as a Jewish Mother! ;-)
Such pain and anguish push you deeper and farther
If willing to work longer and harder.
Marry sense and spirit – sure a tall order
As you will read…you’ll be stronger and smarter!
The Passion Sense
When it comes to passion, what’s its sight?
Inner vision that turns darkness bright.
A person or project lights up your mind
All else in shadows or left behind.
The passion sense is quite intense
Sees past, present, and future tense.
Often lacking common sense…still
Sight may make all the difference.
When it comes to passion, what’s its sound?
A beat, a rhythm, a soul heaven bound.
A heart will sing, a mind will dance
Sway to the rhythm of romance.
The passion sense is quite intense
Hears past, present, and future tense.
Often lacking common sense…still
Sound may make all the difference.
When it comes to passion, what’s its taste?
Oh please beware that chocolate waist.
Of course the mouth is where you start
Then mind and mood yield food for thought.
The passion sense is quite intense
Savors past, present, and future tense.
Often lacking common sense…still
Taste may make all the difference.
When it comes to passion, what’s its touch?
A gentle caress, an innocent blush
The defiant push of a brain fevered rush…
When you know you want “it” so very much.
The passion sense is quite intense
Embraces past, present, and future tense.
Often lacking common sense…still
Touch may make all the difference.
When it comes to passion, what’s its smell?
Some exotic perfume casting a spell
Or crisp mountain air, a fragrant glen…
Time travel from now to way back when.
The passion sense is quite intense
Breathes in past, present, and future tense.
Often lacking common sense…still
Smell may make all the difference.
The “sixth sense” of passion – intuition
Mind-body-soul comes to fruition.
Embody the vices and voices within
And know every loss is a chance to begin.
The meaning of life: discover your essence
The purpose of life: bestow your true presence.
So the passion challenge: be your fullest self
Without, of course, becoming full of yourself!
© Mark Gorkin 2015
Shrink Rap ™ Productions
E is for Empathy
With “empathy” or “sympathy”
Do you ponder and then sigh:
“Pretty much the same to me?”
Well let me break (down) any tie:
Parts vibrate sympathetically
The heart shares pain and passion.
The head mixes pity with sympathy
Empathy shows true compassion.
What about a French variation
On “superior” sympathy?
A romantic three-word vision:
Egalite, Fraternite and Empathie!
Sympathy you feel for
Empathy you feel with.
Sympathy picks one off the floor
Empathy shares the war-torn ditch.
Don’t just walk in another’s shoes
And pretend you are a cousin.
Empathy lets you sing their blues
And when pacing feel their bunions!
Empathy you must perceive
Your essence in the other.
Despite what all else believe
You know: “the stranger” is part brother!
Sensitive antennae
Pick up so much disarray.
One dark side of empathy
Please…don’t give yourself away!
When will you learn to ebb and flow?
Empathy attracts so much drama
Do know your limits…don’t limit your “No”s
And enjoy some savvy humor:
"E" is for the "Empathy"
Found in a caring shoulder.
But all give without take is a big mistake
For now you shoulder a boulder.
Find a stress buddy who knows TLC
Someone honest and self-aware –
One who gives “Tender Loving Criticism”
Yet also takes “Tough Loving Care!”
A final thought on empathy
Explode myths concerning gender.
Harness the power of “T n T” –
Let the “Tough” surge with the “Tender!”
© Mark Gorkin 2015
Shrink Rap ™ Productions
E is for Exercise
It’s so hard to exercise
Let me count the reasons why:
It’s too cold, it’s too hot
A video would hit the spot!
After school I’m really beat
A killer game…now that’s sweet.
After all that classroom crap
Please…don’t give the same old rap!
Exercise, exercise
Off the couch and pump those thighs.
Exercise, exercise
Enough with those eyebrows and sighs.
“I’ll ‘Play 20,’” then I’ll scram…
I’d rather shoot an Instagram.
Exercise may float your boat
I’d rather steer our cool remote.
Hey, all that time on the phone
My fingers ran a marathon.
Sure I love to perspire:
“Liar, liar pants on fire!”
“All the kids are outside”…
Mickey D’s a good place to hide.
Exercise, exercise
Don’t crawl the mall for “good” buys
Exercise, exercise
Forget those greasy fries (or guys).
I have homework, so much to do
What do you mean, “That’s something new!”
I know it’s what I should want
Guess I’m just so darn defiant. ;-)
Kids and teens who’d rather squawk
Do they ever walk their talk?
Guess this kind – north and south
Much prefer to run their mouth.
Of course I’m playing, some pointed fun
With those who do anything but run.
Exercise, exercise
Not just for macho gals and guys
Exercise, exercise
Take a stroll under blue skiesExercise, exercise
Lose your mind as time flies
Exercise, exercise
You’ll become both lean and wise.
Exercise: The Reasons Why
Pretty Basic: Do or Die!
(Rants and Rages for all Ages)
We don’t need another treatise
“Why the Cause of Diabetes.”
Or bestow more authority
On the crisis of obesity.
So too the “vox” vascular
Becoming much too popular.
What is the family history
On cardio-respiratory?
Exercise in abstentia
Not the way to fight dementia.
Sure it’s all just one big joke
Until that bolt called mini-stroke!
Don’t need to be an “Iron Man”
To stop being an also-ran.
Even if a chronic slacker
Just go designate a nagger.
(But remember…a “designated nagger” –
That person who will nag for free
Just may nag with excess glee!)
When discipline’s beyond control
First set a daily walking goal.
No need to feel just like a dud
Go find yourself a walking bud.
Create a start-to-stopping point
If sense of order’s out of joint.
30 minutes non-stop spin
A natural kick of endorphin.
Who needs a marijuana scene…
Turn on your own dopamine.
“Runner’s high” or “runner’s calm?”
Who cares…life’s no more one big alarm!
So a quest for real endurance
Boosts all kinds of “live performance.”
Exercise adds both zest and zoom
To home, work-life, and the classroom!
Closing Confession:
When it comes to exercise
I don’t always take the prize.
But of this I must confess…
I do like feeling virtuous!
D is for Diet
[to be completed shortly]
© Mark Gorkin 2015
Shrink Rap ™ Productions
Shrink Rap ™ Productions
Mark Gorkin, the Stress Doc ™, www.stressdoc.com, acclaimed Keynote
and Kickoff Speaker, Webinar Presenter, Retreat Leader and Motivational
Humorist, is the author of Practice Safe Stress and The Four Faces of
Anger. A former Stress & Violence Prevention consultant for the US
Postal Service, the Stress Doc leads one-day "Stress Resiliency" workshops for
"METRO" Managers and Supervisors of the Washington Metro Area Transit Authority
(WMATA). "The Doc" is also a Team Building and Organizational Development
Consultant as well as a Stress Resilience/Wellness Consultant for the
international corporate wellness/insurance brokerage group, The Hays Companies.
Mark leads highly interactive, innovative, and inspiring programs for
corporations and government agencies, including the US Military, on stress and
brain resiliency/burnout prevention through humor, change and conflict
management, generational communication, and 3 "R" -- Responsible, Resilient
& Risk-Taking -- leadership-partnership team building.
Email stressdoc@aol.com for his popular free newsletter & info on speaking programs and phone coaching sessions. And click https://vimeo.com/69053828 for the Stress Doc's wildly pioneering "Shrink Rap" video.
Stress Doc Mantra: "Think out of the box, perform outside the curve (the Bell Curve) and be out-rage-ous!"
Email stressdoc@aol.com for his popular free newsletter & info on speaking programs and phone coaching sessions. And click https://vimeo.com/69053828 for the Stress Doc's wildly pioneering "Shrink Rap" video.
Stress Doc Mantra: "Think out of the box, perform outside the curve (the Bell Curve) and be out-rage-ous!"