
Monday, April 4, 2016

An Analytical-Spiritual-Mystical Odyssey: The Path and Power of Grief

As I clean out my cerebral attic, I’m on a campaign to publish four books.  Two are already completed:  Fierce Longing…Fiery Loss and Preserving Human Touch in a High Tech World.  (The latter will come out first.  More info to follow.)  Two remain: one on “Anger,” the other on “Creativity.”  However, the proverbial “elephant” in the attic (or the closet) that I have left basically untouched for over thirty years is my path to a mindscape-changing mystical-like experience.  And the elephant is finally trumpeting its frustration; it wants to be liberated…to roam free.

This is the first step in a mysterious journey.  I hope Part I of “Menagerie of Madness…The Mandala Moment” both intrigues and inspires.  For my mystical pathway and moment was somewhat unconventional.  Hours of meditation was not the midwife.  Nine months of grief labor yielded, in serene yet startling fashion, an inner child with cosmic consciousness.  Perhaps some people must flesh out closeted skeletal memories and flush out smoldering toxic resentments, wash their wounds with tears of mourning, before peace and grace can be achieved.  My new mantra:  Emotional irrigation precedes transcendental meditation!

I hope you will join me on this journey of discovery and recovery.  Peace!

Menagerie of Madness…The Mandala Moment:
A Mystical-Mythical Odyssey – Part I

Ready to Launch

Nine months on the cranberry-colored couch
Head-heart exploration three times a week
A discount price for a struggling student
Lost on the dissertation trail.
Probably need a time out
A tune out to turn inward
To dig out and discover
Who is this mind-body soul?

The analyst behind me out of view
Now what to do…?
To lie quietly, self-absorbed
And just free associate, whatever comes up
What a treat; like a mental massage:
A playground for the imagination
An unconscious brain journey
But with mindscape ruts and crevasses
And hidden trapdoors and floors…

The Depths and Shocks of Wonderland and Memory

Suddenly falling Alice-like
Into a dark hole…spiraling down
Through cracks in the head, heart, and gut
Into a depression, a valley of shadows
Awakening memory demons
Howling “listen to me, listen to me
Otherwise, don’t say you want to be free!”

But why do I so often cry…Why! Why!
Must I recall all the drama and trauma?
In a household of wounded souls
Little boys of all ages
One a distant father
Hiding depression…our disconnection
But how was the real little boy
Supposed to know
About his father’s hospitalization
Years of shock wires
For alleged “manic depression,” memory suppression
Feeding his other life drinking and carousing.
For when he was home
He would sit outside alone.
What was he thinking?
That the sun’s rays might touch a soul
Restore some humanity, maybe his sanity?

Another Mad Tea Party

The other, the black sheep uncle
Rusty, the trickster
Mistakenly thought retarded
Likely “schizo” from birth.
And my mother, his sister
Who lost a father
A proud businessman
To the Depression
His heart gave out
When she was sweet sixteen
Now has to pretend to be strong
Without being wrong.
The brilliant ringleader of a menagerie
Except when she explodes
And all the walls shake.

The Pillar

And her mother who was truly strong
An emotional saint; she was my buffer
For an angst-driven mother.
Though grandma hardly knew English
Her warm eyes spoke love in Yiddish.
“Gram” – a one woman psychiatric ward
She was called by a doctor
For keeping her “schizo” out of the bin
Until she finally died, then Rusty went in.

We did not need a big casket
From medical malpractice and diabetes
Gram had lost both her legs.
Yet she never complained
And her love caressed all in her range.
As I look back…it all seems so strange.

From Pillar to Panic

She was my higher power
After Gram died…sinking feeling
Our captain had abandoned the ship
Now gripped by dread-panic
All that bottled rage…constant static.
No one consoled me:
“He’s too young to understand.”
The impaired can’t see the wounded
Don’t want to face their own dis-ease.
So blinded…I stopped talking
To my angel in assembly.
And soon became a target
Leaving a “trail of blood”
For the sharks and wolves
In Junior High and the neighborhood.

Running for (or was it from) my life
Being chased after school
Teased and taunted
So ashamed to be haunted
Too fearful to break away
So I remain battered
Once again the black mood descended.

All I could do was self-numb and be dumb
From mindless TV to juvenile “R & R” –
Long lost moans and groans
Rubbing and Releasing those teenage hormones
With nowhere to go
No healthy ego
So I took the abuse and
Mostly lost any true voice
For two decades or so.
Tell me:  did I have any choice?

A Voice in the Wilderness…

Still for some of those years
I had a beloved savior
My mother’s youngest brother
Uncle Dave, an ex-marine and a ballplayer
Who, whenever he came over
The black cloud seemed to vanish
As we roughhoused together.
But then he got married
And had his own family
And moved upstate
I would visit…too little too late.

But then Dream Reality Descends

I recall a dream discussed on the couch:
My mother grasping my little hand
Pulling me along
The two of us trying to keep up
With Uncle Davy, walking much faster
As we chase after
But why is he leading us
Onto a WW II cattle car?
Heading to a hell so intense
Nothing makes sense, yet
For some reason I turn my head
And there sitting slumped in the corner
Is my strung out father…
Black holes for eyes
And there’s no time for goodbyes!

From Worse to Verse

And this reminiscing
On the couch shedding
Went on for months…
Then, magically, tears
Like water unto wine
Morphed into ink flowing
For the first time, poetry scribbling.
Truly startling…automatic writing
Nine tenths of the piece
Flowed out in one sitting.
An anthem to my father
Who, in miraculous fashion
Finally had resurrected himself
Spurred on by some woman
Who told him he was crazy
Stop being a petrified rock:
“You don’t need shock!
Get into counseling.”

Dad’s Odyssey/Our Journey

So he left the family
For his epic odyssey
To wrestle with Scylla and Charybdis  **
Raging demons prehistoric –
Psycho-logic and Genetic
In twice-a-week group
Mercifully, mostly therapeutic.

Eventually dad came home
Bringing the psychic battleground
Into our living room, to the sofa
Fighting out in the arena
For the first time over subjects
Once hidden and forbidden.
The Pandora’s Box was now open
And hope, though unspoken
Was a guiding light
Helping me follow his trial of terror and rage
To break out of our cage
Onto my own trail of tears couch.

**  Scylla and Charybdis – Scylla and Charybdis were mythical sea monsters.  Greek mythology sited them on opposite sides of the Strait of Messina between Sicily and the Italian mainland. Scylla was described as a six-headed sea monster on the Italian side of the strait and Charybdis was a whirlpool off the coast of Sicily. They were regarded as a sea hazard located close enough to each other that they posed an inescapable threat to passing sailors; avoiding Charybdis meant passing too close to Scylla and vice versa. According to Homer, Odysseus was forced to choose which monster to confront while passing through the strait; he opted to pass by Scylla and lose only a few sailors, rather than risk the loss of his entire ship in the whirlpool.

Being between Scylla and Charybdis is an idiom deriving from Greek mythology, meaning "having to choose between two evils". Several other idioms, such as "on the horns of a dilemma", "between the devil and the deep blue sea", and "between a rock and a hard place" express the same meaning.  (Wikipedia)

Gestating on the Couch

Now once again lying prone
Immersed in the dark clouds
On my incubation vacation
Hatching more reason and rhyme
Of the pain connecting all in the brood
And their prismatic disorders of mood
Perhaps understanding
For the very first time…
The real blame was not mine.

A stream of sessions upon seasons
Of a wounded man’s life.
Waterfall orbs keep flowing
To irrigate parched lips
Trying to speak
An anguish that has no name
But a primal growl-painful howl
Deep, deep from within.

What the **** Going On?

Until the mind-blowing happens…
One fine day, seemingly ordinary
I lie on the couch with nothing to say.
Who turned off the cavernous wellspring faucet?
What’s going on?  What should I do?
A voice from behind to the rescue:
“Don’t say anything!”
Who can be silent when you haven't a clue?

The Mind-Shattering Moment

“Don’t say anything?”…to myself:
I’m paying for this!
Okay, stop fighting, give in
To the unknown quiet
A blank tablet
For twenty or thirty seconds…
Then the silent cosmic explosion:
Suddenly I am an infinite web
Invisible threads
Weaving in rhythm with the universe.
Hands outstretched…mere words
Simply more of the curse
Leaving the sensation untouched.
The only thing sensible
Though inexplicable
Embrace the ineffable.
I am part of all things
All things are part of me.
Later I would learn the expression:
“The one in the many, the many in the one.”
Now my own odyssey had surely begun!

Mystical Mindscape

Drifting… a stranger in a strange world
Hmm…not floating alone.
Yet how can this oneness
Be divided in two?
Wait…now I am outside
One earthly body on the couch
One spiritual body
Looking down from the ceiling
It’s all so confusing.
Is this a vision or hallucination?
It can be such a fine line
In psycho-analytic space-time!
Still…an intuitive feeling
A sense that I’m healing.

A realization:  the peace
Of being at one with everything
Means looking in the eye
Of lightning storm fears and dark night desires
While bowing down to consuming brain fires.

This is who I am
At this moment in time and place
In awe of and humbled
By something called grace.
And yes…I can still evolve.
Might this be a feeling of love?
If so…it’s beyond comprehension
But it has my attention.

The Polar Connection

So too my out-of-body polarity
What does it tell me?
That I’ve been tortured too long
By seeming contradiction
This schism…a psycho-cultural fiction
Pitting courageous-coward
Self-centered, aggressive mania
Too accommodating melancholia
Splits from within
Which is the real sin!
Remember, the mantra for the day:
Burnout is less a sign of failure
More you gave yourself way.

Grieving as Conceiving

And in the silent space
Uniting sensual and spiritual
With an aura of the mystical
Conceiving is believing
Aha!…the nine months of grieving
Emotional wailing and weaving
Cleansing the wound, purifying the soul
Being reborn through elan vital **
Appearing in the flesh
A flash of peace and quiet
Transforming inner rumbling and the riot –
A kaleidoscopic tapestry of prophetic insight
That no longer could be denied
Though, lord knows, I have tried!

** elan vitalÉlan vital was coined by French philosopher Henri Bergson in his 1907 book Creative EvolutionElan vital was translated in the English edition as "vital impetus," but is usually translated by his detractors as "vital force."  It is a hypothetical explanation for evolution and development of organisms, which Bergson linked closely with consciousness – with the intuitive perception of experience and the flow of inner time.

An Echo Calling…an Electric Current

The mythic-psychic-genetic echo within
Has been waiting for me
To hear my calling
And see the luminous light of day.
To raze and reconstruct
The Tower of Psychobabble
Turning ancient “critical voice” torment
Into meditative ferment
Replanting brain cells in fresh soil
Constructing a new ark
For shepherding my emerging grit and gifts
Prodded gently and not so
By electric current memory, by hypnotic imagery…
Staring and listening and trusting
In wisdom and wizardry
To power creativity, realizing my fullest self
Without, of course, becoming too full of myself!
Am I up for the challenge?  Am I ready to embark?

Stay tuned for the answer!  Until then…Practice Safe Stress!

©  Mark Gorkin  2016
Shrink Rap ™ Productions

Mark Gorkin, MSW, LICSW, "The Stress Doc" ™, a nationally acclaimed speaker, writer, and "Psychohumorist" ™, is a founding partner and Stress Resilience and Trauma Debriefing Consultant for the Nepali Diaspora Behavioral Health & Wellness Initiative.  A former Stress and Violence Prevention Consultant for the US Postal Service, he has led numerous Pre-Deployment Stress Resilience-Humor-Team Building Retreats for the US Army.  The Doc is the author of Practice Safe Stress, The Four Faces of Anger, and Preserving Human Touch in a High Tech World.  Mark’s award-winning, USA Today Online "HotSite" – was called a "workplace resource" by National Public Radio (NPR).  For more info, email:

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