
Thursday, May 25, 2017

NEWS FLASH: Not the Same Old “D & I” – Diversity & Inclusion – Program

My mental health advocacy and education work with the Nepali professional and lay communities ( is encouraging me to expand energy and ideas into surprising cultural/educational realms.  More specifically, Dr, Anita Nahal, "The Diversity Doc," a recognized cultural diversity expert, both in the US and in India, and I are teaming up to offer an uncommon mix of East and West, "Diversity & Inclusion," and Stress Resilience ideas and interventions.  Our goal: recognizing and transforming unconscious workplace "Assumptions, Biases, and misguided Communications."  These are the "Cultural ABCs" that weaken team resilience, resourcefulness, collaboration, and creativity.  And while this partnership breaks new ground, it sustains the "Get FIT" spirit of all Stress Doc programs:  by being FUN-Interactive-Thought-provoking!
For more info on how this unique partnership can help boost your team's, organization's, or company's productivity and purpose, energy and community morale, please send a linked-in text or email to

Don't miss your appointment with the Diversity Doc and the Stress Doc!

Dr. Anita Nahal, PhD, CDP, acclaimed author, administrator, professor, and D & I Consultant, the Diversity Doc, and Mark Gorkin, MSW, LICSW, acclaimed speaker, team building consultant, and Motivational Psychohumorist ™, the Stress Doc ™, have joined forces.  This dynamic duo will help you and your company or organization discover the possibility and power of “human touch in a high-tech world” through their innovative D & I, East-West Synergy Model & Method.  Recognize and practice how an awareness of bias enhances self-discovery, mutual empathy, and stimulating diversity. And this applied learning helps build an inclusive cultural climate of trust and civility as well as the sharing of ideas, positive conflict, and productive energy, i.e., stress resilience, greater morale, and interpersonal/team creativity!

Through lively and en-light-ening presentation and real world small group exercises, Anita and Mark will help your team “Get FIT” with their FUN-Interactive-Thought-provoking program.  Discover tools and techniques, skills and strategies (see objectives below) for applying a novel approach that brings bias barriers to light and “D & I” to life!
Don’t miss your appointment with the Diversity and Stress Docs!

The Beauty and CHALLENGES of Diversity & Inclusion (D & I)
“THE EAST-WEST SYNERGY Model” for Overcoming Unconscious Bias
while Strengthening Resilience, Trust, Morale &
DROI – Diversity Return on Investment

Overview:  This UNIQUE workshop BROUGHT TO YOU BY TWO VERY DIVERSE PROFESSIONALS will inspire individuals and groups to develop workable solutions that transform the opportunities and challenges of diversity and inclusion (D & I) into stress resilience, trust- and team-building.  Learn to view unconscious bias (UB) as a window to self-understanding and human connection. More specifically, participants will learn to release stress, transform conflict, build cultural-interpersonal bridges, evolve “winning teams,” and achieve the “diversity return on investment.” This has never been more critical…in today’s always on TNT – Time-Numbers-Techno – Driven, Distracted & Distressed (3-“D”) World.  In fact, recent research reveals one out of two employees leave their job because of burnout!

Learning Objectives:

Participants will:

1. Understand the Overviews of D & I and UB, and Stress and Burnout/Stress and Conflict Resilience Concepts and Theories:  An INTER-CULTURAL Partnership and Program

2. Grasp the Layered Nature of D & I:  Psychological-Cultural and Self-Other-Environment Awareness

3. Learn to Disarm Power Struggles and Engaging Critical (or Passive) Aggressors:  Communication Tools for Increasing Understanding, Respect, and Trust

4. Understand the Concepts of Unconscious Bias and Their Impact on Perceptions, Value Judgments, and Actions

5. Use Mind-Mapping for Meaningful Self-Analysis and Understanding to deal with ONE'S own Unconscious Bias; Discover the Universal Judgmental Error through Attribution Theory

6. Explore and Apply the Inter-Cultural Conflict and Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Styles:  Models, Methods, and Problem-Solving Exercises; develop workplace workable strategies and solutions

7.  Confront the Intimate FOE and Experience the Power of Writing and the Creative – East and West – Expressions

About the presenters:

Anita Nahal, PhD, CDP is a poet, children's books author, professor, administrator, D&I Consultant, & Founder & Chairperson,   Dr. Anita Nahal resides in New Jersey with her blessing, her son. Some of Nahal's past positions include: Mellon Fellowship Program Administrator for the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture; Assistant Provost for International Programs, Howard University, Washington D.C.; Visiting Associate Professor of History at the State University of New York at Binghamton, New York; and Associate Professor of History, Sri Venkateswara College, University of Delhi, India. Nahal has held various academic honors, such as the Fulbright and the National Endowment for the Humanities. Besides two academic books, Nahal has one book of poems (Initiations-1988), three children’s books, & over 30 articles in journals & blogs. She writes periodically on LinkedIn. Nahal's most recent data oriented study on Ethnic and Cultural Diversity at HBCUs was published as a chapter in a book in 2015. Her second volume of poems is ready for publication, and some of the poems form this volume can be found in Aberration LabyrinthBetter Than Starbucks, Confluence & aaduna. Nahal has travelled to over 15 countries, speaks three foreign languages, and comes from a family of writers and educators. Nahal has two awards in diversity awareness and promotion, and has three certifications to her credit in diversity and inclusion training. More info on Nahal at:

Mark Gorkin, MSW, LICSW, known as the "The Stress Doc" ™, is an acclaimed speaker, writer, and "Psychohumorist" ™, is a Leadership Coach/Training-Retreat Consultant for the international Embry-Riddle Aeronautics University at the Daytona, FL headquarters. Mark is also a founding partner and Stress Resilience and Trauma Debriefing Consultant for the Nepali Diaspora Behavioral Health & Wellness Initiative.  Over the years, the Doc has trained and consulted with many hundreds of government agencies and corporations.  A former Stress and Violence Prevention Consultant for the US Postal Service, he has led numerous transformative – silo-breaking and communications bridge-building – Pre- and Post-Deployment Stress Resilience-Humor-Team Building Retreats for US Army Senior Officers and Sergeants.  The Doc is the author of Practice Safe Stress:  Healing and Laughing in the Face of Stress, Burnout & Depression, The Four Faces of Anger:  Transforming Hostility and Rage into Assertion and Passion, Fierce Longing…Fiery Loss:  Relearning to Let Go, Laugh & Love, and Preserving Human Touch in a High-Tech World:  Writings, Raps & Rhymes.  His award-winning, USA Today Online "HotSite" – – was called a "workplace resource" by National Public Radio (NPR).  The Doc also provides Stress Resilience and Burnout Recovery In-Person and Phone-Skype Counseling as well as Communication/Public Speaking Coaching.  For more info, email:

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