
Tuesday, June 13, 2017

TRUTH Speak & the Stress Doc ™ Light Up the BRITE Internet Radio/Facebook Screen

TRUTH Speak & the Stress Doc ™ Light Up the BRITE Internet Radio/Facebook Screens in their June 9th partnership debut grappling with the challenge of "Communication between the Sexes."

Link to Pics and the Facebook Livestream

Evelyn Whitney, author of TRUTH Speak, and Mark Gorkin, the Stress Doc, author of Practice Safe Stress and The Four Faces of Anger, with lively host, Marty Chappell, bring awareness, provocative discussion, and "Aha" humor to the challenges of communication between (and within) the sexes.

The hour flies by, as do the quips, quotes, and powerful insights. I know you will enjoy this offering. MG

Seek the higher power of Stress Doc humor: May the Farce Be with You!

Don't miss your appointment with TRUTH Speak and the Stress Doc.


Evelyn Whitney, author of TRUTH Speak: Some Real Reasons Men and Women Can’t/Don’t Communicate, and Mark Gorkin, LICSW, the Stress Doc ™, are pairing up on Brite Radio .

The dynamic duo will be on The Marty & Katina Show, this Friday, June 9th at 7pm.

Evelyn and Mark will draw on both professional and personal experience, she as a Human Resource/Computer Science/Customer Service Expert and the Doc as a therapist (as well as a long-time student of therapy) and Psychohumorist ™. (He lets the audience decide where the emphasis on that word should go.)
Mark is also the author of Practice Safe Stress: Healing and Laughing in the Face of Stress, Burnout & Depression and The Four Faces of Anger: Transforming Hostility and Rage into Assertion and Passion.

In this lively and insightful hour:

Ø Discover the distractions, habits, and your emotional baggage that cloud, confuse, and corrupt the communication process
Ø Recognize how societal pressure/rules and gender assumptions become culprits in breaking down honest communication and intimate connection
Ø Gain tools and techniques for assessing your communication style, substance, and strategy
Ø Learn to take the dys out of “dysfunction” and the dis out of “disrespect”

Don’t miss your appointment with TRUTH Speak and the Stress Doc!

Two Stress Doc ditties:

Tenaci-Tea for Two: The Narcissist's Version

You for me and me for me
Oh how nurturing you will be.
Forget "to be or not to be"
Just simply think of Me, Me, Me!

Losing It…Resting It

You may think I’m at a loss
Not having you as a boss.
But when it’s just me
Not us or you…
Please, do not tell me what to do.

Even when you “know what’s best”
(Though never quite put to the test)
Let me flounder; wait...still better
A request: Geez, Louise…Just let it rest!

© Mark Gorkin 2014
Shrink Rap ™ Productions

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