
Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Preserving Human Touch in a High Tech World E-book Is "Live" on Amazon and more!

Preserving Human Touch in a High Tech World E-book Is "Live" on Amazon; would love your support.  P.S.  Don't miss the e-book cover; it is outrageous!  It alone is worth the price of admission.  (And the Dedication Page also provides symbolic interpretation of the cover imagery.)

As promised, we are "live."  Hope you will consider purchasing and rating.  I think you'll find it quirky, funny, and insightful.  It would mean a lot!  Warm wishes and good adventures,  Mark


Did you see my "What The Donald Wants" lyric?  It's stirring up some intense reaction!!!  (If you didn't see it, will gladly send it.  Or you can go to my LinkedIn writer's page:

"What the Donald Wants" just got published on  Also, here are some interesting Facebook reader responses:



Loosely akin to being a proud parent of a new-born (e-book), Preserving Human Touch in a High Tech World:  Writings, Raps, & Rhymes on Stress Resiliency, Burnout Recovery, and Digital Sanity, is "Live" on Amazon.

Would love for you to check it out, and consider purchasing, reading or skimming as time and interest allow, and writing brief comments.  In light of how our world (as presently defined by, Google, etc.) works, it's of great value to have people post ratings and comments about an author's work.  (See summary below.)

Also, based on Amazon's suggested pricing/book sales algorithm, their recommended price is $3.99.  (I had earlier mentioned a purchase price of $1.99.  If you decline or defer, I understand.)

Thanks again.  Best wishes and good adventures,  Mark

Here are some recent preview comments about the book and the substance and style of my writings:

Preserving Human Touch…Testimonials

Mark, Today, I discovered an absolute goldmine of excellent information on anger, stress and the uniqueness of the U.S. Postal Service.

I urge you to begin placing every one of the documents on Pulse.  I had no idea of your greatness.  This is what I am referring to:

You are totally awesome.

Director I George Anderson I BCD, LCSW
executive coaching I anger management

T I 310-476-0908
F I 310-476-6789
2300 Westridge Rd.
Los Angeles, CA  90049

Let me know when it is live. Funny and insightful as usual. Jef
Jef Gazley M.S., L.M.F.T., D.C.C.
6540 E. Kelton Lane, Scottsdale, Arizona 85254


Hi Mark,

Thank you for sending me the Bipolar Dance poem and the introduction.  I am honored you would also share the introduction with me as well.  The poem is excellent and really captures the variety of feelings that are often associated with bipolar disorder.
You are an excellent writer. Thanks again,

Cleveland Clinic Foundation
Hi Mark,

Wow, I opened your book (PHT) and couldn’t stop reading as I got all the way to page 52.  I’ll get back to reading this, hopefully, over the weekend.  I look forward to obtaining a copy through Amazon when it goes live.  It is a nice work wellness resource. Very best,


Lovin' it - Keep it flowin'
BUSY transitioning from daughter's "princess" room to her "grown-up apartment" and reading your writings is, well, you have a terrific way of saying things.

Loved your Humpty Dumpty - I substitute my bro for the egg & my dad for the king.
"couldn't put him together again"
I find your raps fun-filled - yet darkly close to the heart -

Gorkin Fan, Donna Shriver
Currently sleep deprived & earning more wrinkles

E-book Promo Summary

Preserving Human Touch in a High Tech World
Writings, Raps, & Rhymes on Stress Resiliency,
Burnout Recovery, and Digital Sanity

Everyday our world becomes more TNT – Time-Numbers-Technology – driven and distracted.  And if human traits were species, two of the most endangered would be Integrity and Intimacy.  Preserving Human Touch in a High Tech World is your skills and strategies, light and enlightening road map of “writings, raps and rhymes” for:

  • dancing the “Burnout Boogie” and exploring the “Six ‘R’s Road of Burnout Recovery”:  Running-Reading-Retreating-Writing-Relating-Risk-taking
  • becoming more stress resilient and burnout resistant with the Stress Doc’s ™ classic “Four Stages of Burnout” and brain agility “Formula for Natural SPEED”: Sleep-Priorities/Passion-Empathy-Exercise-Diet
  • breaking down “The Silent Wall of Shame” as well as laughing at your own flaws and foibles while using healing humor to deflate and detoxify noxious stress carriers
  • preventing yourself, friends, and family or your team, department, and organization from “Going MA&DD” (through Media Addiction & Digital Distraction; (it’s obvious that the Doc is the founding member of a new 12-Step AA Group:  Acronyms Anonymous).
  • encouraging each reader to embark on his or her own inner journey of self-discovery and self-resiliency.  Surely, this is the foundation and pathway for vital (not just virtual) “f-2-f” (face-to-face) connection
  • helping organizations develop interactive learning-sharing groups that evolve from "There's no 'I' in team" to "There are two 'I's in winning!"  And these "I"s can "C"/see:  Winning teams blend Individual Creativity & Interactive Community!
A Mix of Meaning and Magic...and Battlefield Experience

An insightful and inspiring guide for self-discovery and heart-to-heart connection, Preserving Human Touch... is the painful, playful, and soulful outpouring of a one-of-a-kind – stage and page – "word artist."  Whether poetry or prose, purposeful or poignant, the language is colorful yet clear – a tapestry of meaningful substance and magical style.  This ingenious synthesis is best captured by the “Stress Doc’s” ™ quest to be the Dr. Seuss of Stress for Adults (and kids of all ages).

Mark’s hats also include therapist and “Psychohumorist” ™, motivational speaker, “Reality Radio” Podcaster, and “Shrink Rapper” ™.   And he’s a former Stress and Violence Prevention Consultant for the US Postal Service.  (The Doc is battle-tested!)  In addition to raps and rhymes, there are popular essays and Q & As – over forty selections of varying size, substance, and style.  Next each Shrink Rap ™ or Resiliency Poetry sample is illuminated by a brief intro and outro that:  a) sheds light on the context of the work or b) explains how the piece came into being, as well as c) some thoughts on poetic purpose and power.  Finally, the “R & R” selections – Raps & Rhymes – close with Discussion Questions to enrich engagement and expand awareness.  These head-heart provocateurs also will facilitate meaningful group discussion, whether at the family table or hanging with friends, at book clubs, or in a classroom or workshop setting.

So seek the higher power of Stress Doc humor:  May the Farce Be with You!
Don’t miss your appointment with the Stress Doc.

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