
Friday, June 3, 2016

“What The Donald Wants” or The Dark Side of Mr. T

I was working on a poem about someone who definitely triggers a variety of my hot buttons.  Putting on the final touches, when…the light-bulb didn’t just go on – it exploded.  I saw the obvious:  there was a more worthy target; a larger than life figure inviting to be the object of my skewed and skewering attention.  And that I could pair my words and wit with a classic Broadway show tune, only added to my delight.  The Donald, this one’s for you!

P.S.  A reader has already requested a poem about Hillary C.  I'm an equal opportunity lampooner!

"What The Donald Wants" or The Dark Side of Mr. T

[Loosely sung to the tune of "Whatever Lola Wants," from the Broadway production, Damn Yankees]

Whatever Donald wants
The Donald gets
Whatever Donald rants
There are no regrets.

[Repeat each stanza; first rendition sultry, second version playfully aggressive]

Oh Mr. T
Object of idolatry
Despite the hirsute buffoonery
For The Donald T
Has a down to earth strategy…
Rub-their-face-in-dirt oratory.

Whatever T demands
He will always get
You're putty in his hands
Do you "kool-ade" and abet?

Oh Media-ocracy
You so frighten me
Buying all this lunacy
Oh Media-ocrity
Is ratings slavery
Worth such "psycho-phant-asy"? **

** sycophant:  "a person who praises powerful people in order to get their approval" and/or bask in reflected (or ratings) glory as well as their real or imagined sphere of influence; Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary)

For DTs, day is night, black is white
With their "Great Again" vision
Of course, always, might makes right…
Even if hallucination?  Even if hallucination!

Oh Humpty Trumpty
So plain to see
How off "The Wall" can we all be?
Oh Trumpty Dumpty
For cooking up mass insanity
What's the nouveau-Jonestown recipe?

Atop Babel of Tower
Ball Bluster of the Net
Will unchecked EGO power
Perhaps save us yet?

Oh Mr. T
Our Zeus-like authority
Hurling tweets with impunity

Oh Donald T
Brilliant mind with no boundary
(Unless you're from Mexico City)

Oh Trumpty Dumpty
Please answer me:
Has shell game surreality -
i.e., Reality TV Presidency -
Made a mockery of democracy?
Or is it when your demagoguery
Apes Neo-McCarthy ideology?
(To the sentient-ape family
My sincerest apology!)

Oh Darth Vanity
Death Star "Grandiosity"
If you should implode, hypothetically
With galactic interdependency
Can we survive bail out, black-hole bankruptcy?
Another Atlantic City success story?
(Not to mention Trump University)...
My Lord, I ask with all humility:
Perchance, may we finally FIRE thee?

©  Mark Gorkin   2016
"Shrink Rap" ™ Productions

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